Trump campaign manager forced out
Business / Celebrities / Education / International Affairs / Lifestyle / Technology / TV

Trump campaign manager forced out

NEW YORK (AP) — Republican presidential contender Donald Trump has forced out his hard-charging campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, in a dramatic shakeup designed to calm panicked Republican leaders and reverse one of the most tumultuous stretches of Trump’s unconventional White House bid. Lewandowski, in some ways as brash and unconventional as the candidate himself, had … Continue reading

Trump backtracks on guns-in-clubs statement
Business / Celebrities / Education / Health / International Affairs / TV / U.S. News

Trump backtracks on guns-in-clubs statement

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump is backtracking from his contention that victims of the Orlando massacre should have been allowed to carry arms into the nightclub where they were attacked — a stance even the NRA says is untenable. The presumptive Republican presidential nominee tweeted Monday, June 20,2016 that he was “obviously talking about additional … Continue reading

The Latest: Orlando gunman to 911: ‘I did the shootings
Health / International Affairs / Lifestyle / U.S. News

The Latest: Orlando gunman to 911: ‘I did the shootings

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The Latest on the nightclub shooting in Orlando, Florida. (all times local): 10:50 a.m. Newly released transcripts show Orlando gunman Omar Mateen spoke in Arabic to a 911 dispatcher and told a crisis negotiator that the U.S. needed to stop bombing Iraq and Syria. The FBI released partial transcripts Monday,June 20,2016 … Continue reading

Pound, stocks up amid apparent boost for UK to remain in EU
Business / Celebrities / Education / International Affairs / Technology / TV / U.S. News

Pound, stocks up amid apparent boost for UK to remain in EU

LONDON (AP) — The British pound and global stock markets surged Monday, June 20,2016 as the death of a pro-Europe lawmaker seemed to sap some momentum from campaigners fighting for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union. Betting houses shortened the odds that Britain would remain in the 28-nation bloc. The market surge suggested … Continue reading

Comic’s party wins Italy mayoral races, eyes national power
Business / Education / International Affairs / Lifestyle / Technology / U.S. News

Comic’s party wins Italy mayoral races, eyes national power

ROME (AP) — An anti-establishment party founded by a comic has triumphed in Italian mayoral runoff elections, trouncing Premier Matteo Renzi’s candidates in Rome and another key city and turning its sights Monday, June 20,2016 toward its next goal — national power. The 5-Star Movement candidate in Rome, Virginia Raggi, a lawyer with a three-year … Continue reading

The Latest: EU’s Tusk says need to reassess Union’s future
Art / Education / Europe / Health / International Affairs / Lifestyle / TV

The Latest: EU’s Tusk says need to reassess Union’s future

LONDON (AP) — The Latest ahead of Britain’s referendum on continued membership in the European Union (all times local): 2:35 p.m. European Union President Donald Tusk says whatever the result in Thursday’s referendum vote, the member nations must fundamentally reassess the future since dissatisfaction is growing all over the continent. Tusk said in Lisbon on … Continue reading

The Latest: Obama going to Orlando to pay respect to victims
Business / Campus Life / Featured / International Affairs / U.S. News

The Latest: Obama going to Orlando to pay respect to victims

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The Latest on the deadly shooting at a nightclub in Orlando. (all times local): 9:00 p.m. The White House says President Barack Obama will travel to Orlando on Thursday, June 16, 2016 to pay respects to the victims of Sunday’s nightclub shooting and to stand in solidarity with the community. The … Continue reading

The Latest: House to get FBI, Homeland Security briefing
Education / Featured / Health / International Affairs / Lifestyle / National / TV

The Latest: House to get FBI, Homeland Security briefing

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The Latest on the deadly shooting at a nightclub in Orlando. (all times local): 3 p.m. The head of the FBI and the Homeland Security secretary will brief members of the House on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 about the deadly shooting at a nightclub in Orlando. Speaker Paul Ryan’s office said … Continue reading

The Latest: Trump: ‘suspend immigration’ from certain areas
Business / Celebrities / Education / Featured / International Affairs / National / U.S. News

The Latest: Trump: ‘suspend immigration’ from certain areas

2:52 p.m. Donald Trump says he wants to “suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism.” It wasn’t immediately clear whether Trump was proposing a change from his long-standing proposal to temporarily bar foreign Muslims entering the U.S. The presumptive GOP presidential nominee also called on Muslims in … Continue reading

Philippine police examining if head is from Canadian hostage
Africa / Education / Health / International Affairs / National

Philippine police examining if head is from Canadian hostage

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Police found a severed head in the southern Philippines on Monday, June 13, 2016 and are examining whether it belonged to a Canadian hostage who is believed to have been beheaded by Abu Sayyaf militants after a ransom deadline passed, officials said. The hostage, Robert Hall, was abducted from a marina … Continue reading

Former PM Brown urges Labour supporters to vote ‘in’ on EU
Business / Europe / Featured / International Affairs

Former PM Brown urges Labour supporters to vote ‘in’ on EU

LONDON (AP) — Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown made an impassioned call Monday, June 13, 2016 for Labour Party supporters to vote to stay in the European Union, amid nervousness in the “remain” camp that it is losing momentum ahead of next week’s referendum. Brown, who governed from 2007 to 2010, said Britain should … Continue reading

Shadow of jailed ex-leader hangs over Peru election
Africa / Business / Featured / International Affairs / Lifestyle

Shadow of jailed ex-leader hangs over Peru election

LIMA, Peru (AP) — The shadow of an imprisoned former president looms over Sunday’s Peru election, which has become in many ways a referendum on the legacy of Alberto Fujimori’s iron-handed rule in the 1990s. Many of the nation’s rural, indigenous poor have flocked to the support of his daughter Keiko, grateful for her father’s … Continue reading

Prince joins a list of stars dead from drug overdoses
Celebrities / Featured / Health / International Affairs / Lifestyle / National / Science / U.S. News

Prince joins a list of stars dead from drug overdoses

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Minnesota medical examiner said Thursday, June 2, 2016 that Prince died of an accidental overdose of fentanyl, a synthetic opioid painkiller. Authorities have not said whether he had a prescription for the drug and, if not, how he obtained it. Prince joins a list of other stars, including Judy Garland … Continue reading