On surprise Russia trip, Assad and Putin talk post-war Syria
International Affairs / Middle East / TV / Uncategorized

On surprise Russia trip, Assad and Putin talk post-war Syria

MOSCOW (AP) — On a surprise trip to Russia, Syria’s Bashar Assad discussed potential new peace initiatives for post-war Syria with Russian President Vladimir Putin who declared that Russia’s two-year military campaign in Syria is wrapping up, the Kremlin said Tuesday. Moscow released footage of Assad warmly embracing Putin, who hosted him in the Black … Continue reading

Saudi arrest of Binladin family scion shatters royal entente
International Affairs / Middle East / Uncategorized

Saudi arrest of Binladin family scion shatters royal entente

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Among those caught in the unprecedented arrests this week of top princes, wealthy businessmen and senior officials was the scion of one of Saudi Arabia’s most recognizable families: Bakr Binladin, the chairman of the kingdom’s pre-eminent contractor — and Osama bin Laden’s half-brother. It was a stunning end to … Continue reading

Tillerson makes unannounced side trip to Afghanistan
Middle East / National / Politics / U.S. News

Tillerson makes unannounced side trip to Afghanistan

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has made an unannounced trip to Afghanistan. Tillerson visited Bagram Air Base for talks with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah and other senior officials to outline for them the Trump administration’s new South Asia policy. He also underscored the ongoing … Continue reading

Army Sgt. Bergdahl pleading guilty to desertion, misbehavior
Middle East / National / Politics

Army Sgt. Bergdahl pleading guilty to desertion, misbehavior

FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) — Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl told a military judge on Monday that he’s pleading guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. “I understand that leaving was against the law,” said Bergdahl, whose decision to walk off his remote post in Afghanistan in 2009 prompted intense search and recovery missions, during … Continue reading

Turkish troops move into al-Qaida-dominated Syrian province
Europe / Middle East

Turkish troops move into al-Qaida-dominated Syrian province

BEIRUT (AP) — Turkish armored vehicles have rolled into northwestern Syria to impose a “de-escalation zone” in a province dominated by al-Qaida-linked militants, an incursion that the Turkish leader said was meant to secure his country’s border. The Turkish military said it began an operation late Thursday to set up “observation points” in Idlib, without … Continue reading

Tillerson: Trump will scorn but not bolt from Iran nuke deal
International Affairs / Middle East / Politics / U.S. News

Tillerson: Trump will scorn but not bolt from Iran nuke deal

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump will say Friday the Iran nuclear deal is no longer in America’s national security interests, but he won’t withdraw from the landmark 2015 accord or immediately re-impose sanctions against Tehran, according to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, other U.S. officials and outside advisers to the administration. Trump’s speech from … Continue reading