National Weather Service issues hurricane alert for Norfolk and surrounding area, expects similar track to Matthew
Local / Virginia

National Weather Service issues hurricane alert for Norfolk and surrounding area, expects similar track to Matthew

Hurricane Dorian remains a dangerous hurricane and is expected to move up the Southeast US coast today, approaching the North Carolina coast Thursday and Friday. There is still some uncertainty regarding the exact forecast track, but significant impacts are expected across eastern Virginia and Eastern North Carolina. Regardless, this is a very large system and … Continue reading

Closed US restaurants, damaged homes: Matthew may cost $10B

Closed US restaurants, damaged homes: Matthew may cost $10B

For a storm that inflicted less damage than many had feared, Hurricane Matthew nevertheless impaired or destroyed more than 1 million structures, forced businesses from Florida to North Carolina to close and put thousands temporarily out of work. In many affected areas, small-business owners were still assessing the damage. “I’ve never had anything like this … Continue reading

After ruling, North Carolina board careful on vote changes

After ruling, North Carolina board careful on vote changes

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — North Carolina elections officials have fashioned early voting schedules they hope comply with a federal court ruling this summer and ease long lines this fall in the presidential battleground state. The state’s Republican-controlled Board of Elections deliberated for 11 hours through disputed plans for early in-person voting from one-third of North … Continue reading

Governor wants to change, but not scrap, North Carolina law
National / Politics / U.S. News

Governor wants to change, but not scrap, North Carolina law

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — North Carolina’s governor is asking lawmakers to change part of a state law criticized for its anti-discrimination policies, but he sees no need for a wholesale repeal or reversal of its provisions on transgender bathroom access. Gov. Pat McCrory issued an executive order on Tuesday, April 12 expanding protections for many … Continue reading

Companies reconsidering North Carolina over LGBT rights

Companies reconsidering North Carolina over LGBT rights

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory met with gay-rights advocates bearing a letter signed by more than 100 corporate executives urging him to repeal the nation’s first state law limiting the bathroom options for transgender people. The law also excludes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people from anti-discrimination protections, and blocks municipalities … Continue reading

Bathrooms become battlegrounds in anti-discrimination debate
Lifestyle / National / U.S. News

Bathrooms become battlegrounds in anti-discrimination debate

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — As bathrooms become battlegrounds in the national debate over anti-discrimination laws, a city council’s decision to protect the restroom choices of transgender people in Charlotte, North Carolina, was cheered Tuesday, Feb. 23, by rights advocates as a courageous move. But it may not stand for very long. Gov. Pat McCrory told The … Continue reading

Pesticide-makers point to other culprits in bee die-offs
Health / Lifestyle

Pesticide-makers point to other culprits in bee die-offs

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. (AP) — In a Nordic-inspired building tucked in a corner of the Bayer CropScience North American headquarters, high school students wander through 6,000 square feet dedicated entirely to the specialness of bees. Children taste different types of honey and examine the differences between honeybee and carpenter bee specimens. The pesticide maker … Continue reading