Shootings kill or injure at least 19 US children each day
Education / Featured / Health / Lifestyle / National / U.S. News

Shootings kill or injure at least 19 US children each day

CHICAGO (AP) — Shootings kill or injure at least 19 U.S. children each day, with boys, teenagers and blacks most at risk, according to a government study that paints a bleak portrait of persistent violence. The analysis of 2002-14 U.S. data is billed as the most comprehensive study on the topic. While it mostly confirms … Continue reading

Drug shows promise against vision-robbing disease in seniors
Education / Featured / Health / National / Science

Drug shows promise against vision-robbing disease in seniors

WASHINGTON (AP) — An experimental drug is showing promise against an untreatable eye disease that blinds older adults — and intriguingly, it seems to work in patients who carry a particular gene flaw that fuels the damage to their vision. Age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, is the leading cause of vision loss among seniors, gradually … Continue reading

Suicide car bomb outside Afghan bank kills at least 29
Featured / International Affairs / Middle East / National / TV / U.S. News

Suicide car bomb outside Afghan bank kills at least 29

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (AP) — A suicide car bomb exploded Thursday at a bank in Afghanistan’s Helmand province as Afghan troops and government workers waited to collect their pay ahead of a major Muslim holiday, killing at least 29 people, officials said. Most of the casualties in the explosion near the bank in the provincial capital … Continue reading

Republicans divided as Trump reverses some Obama Cuba policy
Business / Featured / International Affairs / National / TV / U.S. News

Republicans divided as Trump reverses some Obama Cuba policy

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s decision to reverse some Obama-era Cuba policies landed with a thud among many congressional Republicans who say the new approach surrenders a potentially lucrative market for American goods and services to competitors. While anti-Castro conservatives hailed Trump’s partial roll-back of President Barack Obama’s detente, a number of other GOP … Continue reading

Pentagon: US shoots down Syrian aircraft for first time
Featured / International Affairs / Middle East / National / U.S. News

Pentagon: US shoots down Syrian aircraft for first time

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. military on Sunday shot down a Syrian Air Force fighter jet that bombed local forces aligned with the Americans in the fight against Islamic State militants, an action that appeared to mark a new escalation of the conflict. The U.S. had not shot down a Syrian regime aircraft before Sunday’s … Continue reading

Trump attorney says president not under investigation
Celebrities / Featured / National / Politics / U.S. News

Trump attorney says president not under investigation

WASHINGTON (AP) — A member of the president’s outside legal team said Sunday that Donald Trump is not under federal investigation, days after Trump appeared to confirm he was with a tweet about being the target of a “witch hunt.” Appearing on a series of morning news programs, attorney Jay Sekulow repeatedly stressed that “the … Continue reading

Vehicle hits people near London mosque, causing casualties
Europe / Featured / International Affairs / National

Vehicle hits people near London mosque, causing casualties

LONDON (AP) — A vehicle struck pedestrians outside a mosque in north London early Monday morning, causing several casualties, police said. One person has been arrested. The London Ambulance Service says the injured are being taken to hospitals. Eyewitnesses reported seeing police give emergency medical treatment to at least one of the injured. The Muslim … Continue reading

Several sailors’ bodies found on stricken Navy destroyer
Asia / Featured / International Affairs / National / U.S. News

Several sailors’ bodies found on stricken Navy destroyer

YOKOSUKA, Japan (AP) — Navy divers found a number of sailors’ bodies Sunday aboard the stricken USS Fitzgerald that collided with a container ship in the busy sea off Japan, but a spokeswoman said not all seven missing had been accounted for. Searchers gained access to the spaces that were damaged during the collision and … Continue reading

New frontier in cancer care: Turning blood into living drugs
Health / Lifestyle / National / Science / U.S. News

New frontier in cancer care: Turning blood into living drugs

SEATTLE (AP) — Ken Shefveland’s body was swollen with cancer, treatment after treatment failing until doctors gambled on a radical approach: They removed some of his immune cells, engineered them into cancer assassins and unleashed them into his bloodstream. Immune therapy is the hottest trend in cancer care and this is its next frontier — … Continue reading