For many Trump employees, keeping quiet is legally required
National / Politics

For many Trump employees, keeping quiet is legally required

WASHINGTON (AP) — Just hours after his public firing, Donald Trump’s longtime campaign manager Corey Lewandowski spoke only glowingly of his former boss, deflecting any question about the dysfunction inside the Republican campaign. That’s not surprising. Trump demands control over what his staff can say — even if they’re fired — and speaking out can … Continue reading

Clinton seeking to disqualify Trump on handling of economy
National / Politics

Clinton seeking to disqualify Trump on handling of economy

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton plans to portray Republican Donald Trump as an erratic and unfit steward of the nation’s economy, returning to Ohio to press the case that workers would bear the brunt of the business mogul’s policies. Clinton’s Tuesday address in Ohio, one of the nation’s most prominent … Continue reading

GOP’s Trump says US should consider profiling Muslims
National / Politics

GOP’s Trump says US should consider profiling Muslims

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump suggested Sunday that the United States should “seriously” consider profiling Muslims inside the country as a terrorism-fighting tool, the latest example of the Republican presidential nominee-in-waiting increasingly backing positions that could single out a group based on their religion. “We really have to look at profiling,” Trump said in an … Continue reading

Trump’s new Obama claims thrust him into uncharted territory
National / Politics

Trump’s new Obama claims thrust him into uncharted territory

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump’s latest accusation against President Barack Obama — that he’s putting U.S. enemies ahead of America’s own people — is thrusting him into uncharted territory for the presidential candidate of any major political party. Trump spent the first days following the Orlando nightclub massacre hinting Obama was sympathizing with or even … Continue reading

Clinton wins endorsement of the AFL-CIO
National / Politics

Clinton wins endorsement of the AFL-CIO

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Clinton on Thursday won the endorsement of the AFL-CIO, the nation’s largest labor federation, in another sign of her consolidation of the Democratic party heading into next month’s convention. The AFL-CIO’s general board voted to endorse Clinton over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, a move that had been expected after Clinton secured … Continue reading

Sanders spending night of final primary meeting with Clinton
National / Politics

Sanders spending night of final primary meeting with Clinton

WASHINGTON (AP) — Bernie Sanders is expected to spend his final primary night meeting with Democratic rival Hillary Clinton — not before thousands of cheering supporters — as his campaign seeks to influence Clinton’s agenda against Republican Donald Trump. Sanders plans to meet privately with Clinton in Washington on Tuesday evening as the District of … Continue reading

Trump, Clinton offer different visions in Orlando response
National / Politics

Trump, Clinton offer different visions in Orlando response

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton outlined dramatically different proposals for combating terrorism and gun violence following the deadly Orlando nightclub attacks, with the presumptive Republican nominee vowing to suspend immigration from countries with a history of terrorism and the Democratic candidate warning against demonizing Muslims. The candidates’ back-to-back speeches Monday underscored the … Continue reading

Trump son-in-law emerges as quiet force
National / Politics

Trump son-in-law emerges as quiet force

NEW YORK (AP) — A new power player has emerged among the feuding factions behind Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, one that through the bonds of marriage enjoys a direct line to the Republican billionaire. Despite limited political experience and some family baggage, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is playing an active role in virtually every aspect … Continue reading