Campus Life / Featured

PASSING THE GAVEL: SGA Holds Inaugural Candle Transition of Power Ceremony

On Thursday evening a new approach was taken regarding the Transition of Power Ceremony
which was held to commend the newly elected SGA President Za’Chary Jackson [former Mister
Norfolk State University], Vice President Isabella Malave-Norman [former Freshman Class
President], and Chief Justice Lena Bryan [Former SGA Associate Justice]. During this ceremony
words of encouragement were bestowed onto the public by former SGA President, Zay’Kori
Jones, former SGA Vice-President Nina Collymore, and former Chief Justice Ciara Carver-

Although this ceremony has been held in previous years, this was the first time a candle-
lighting ceremony has been implemented according to Mr. William Bynum, Associate Director of
Student Activities & Leadership. This is a new tradition that he plans to implement annually.
In this ceremony, four candles were lit that represented the essential values that the Student
Government Association holds dear and plans to uphold in the years to come with each new
administration. The first candle lit by Carver-Scotton was white and represented “balance and
neutrality in all decisions”. The second candle, also white, represented “purity [intentionality] of
purpose and pure decision making”. The third candle being green was lit by Collymore and
represented “growth, progress, and embracing change”. Former President Jones lit the final gold
candle that signified the “richness of talents along with cherishing diversity and inclusion”. After
the lighting of each candle, Carver-Scotton led the newly elected President Jackson into an oath
that made his presidency official and Jones passed the gavel.

The ceremony concluded with remarks and refreshments. When asked about his purpose in
becoming the next SGA President alongside a freshman as his Vice President, Za’Chary Jackson
says that he’s “simply leaving a legacy”. Noting that not all administrations should have solely
upperclassmen as the SGA President and Vice President.
He adds, “Picking a freshman instills the sense of continual legacy building, continuing the
legacy that I have built, [As Mister Norfolk State] history that I have created, along with the
platform that I and the freshman have built on to continue.”

As the former Mister Norfolk State University and the former Freshman Class President take on
the Student Government Association, the transition of power has been completed. The students
look forward to the changes they propose to make in the next academic year.

Source: A. Gilchrist Caption: Former SGA President Zay’Kori Jones passing the gavel to newly elected SGA President, Za’Chary Jackson.