Sri Lanka govt faces pressure over torture, rape allegations
Health / International Affairs

Sri Lanka govt faces pressure over torture, rape allegations

GENEVA (AP) — Sri Lanka’s government faced increasing pressure Friday to answer for alleged human rights violations following a recent war crimes lawsuit and allegations from over 50 men who said they were raped, branded or tortured as recently as this year. The men’s anguished descriptions of their abuses come nearly a decade after Sri … Continue reading

UN refugee agency urges EU not to return migrants to Hungary
International Affairs / National / Politics / U.S. News

UN refugee agency urges EU not to return migrants to Hungary

GENEVA (AP) — The U.N. refugee agency on Monday took the rare step of urging European Union members to suspend returns of asylum-seekers to their partner, Hungary, faulting its new policy of systematically placing migrants in containers and expelling any migrants not holding the proper papers. UNHCR says that since a tough new law took … Continue reading

UN Syria envoy not expecting breakthrough at Geneva talks
Business / Education / Featured / International Affairs / Lifestyle / Middle East / National / Politics / U.S. News

UN Syria envoy not expecting breakthrough at Geneva talks

GENEVA (AP) — Playing down expectations, the U.N. envoy for Syria said Wednesday that he’s not expecting a breakthrough in the first U.N.-mediated peace talks between government representatives and the opposition in 10 months, rather hoping to build momentum toward peace after nearly six years of war. Staffan de Mistura spoke a day before convening … Continue reading

UN releases images of Syria
Middle East / Politics

UN releases images of Syria

GENEVA (AP) — The U.N. on Wednesday released stark satellite images showing the most recent destruction of Syria’s embattled northern city of Aleppo, which has been pounded by Syrian and Russian airstrikes since the collapse of a U.S.-Russia brokered cease-fire two weeks ago. The release coincided with a stepped-up offensive by Syrian government forces and … Continue reading

Hong Kong tycoon buys $48.5M diamond at auction for daughter
Business / International Affairs / U.S. News

Hong Kong tycoon buys $48.5M diamond at auction for daughter

GENEVA (AP) — An exceptionally large blue diamond sold Wednesday for 48.6 million Swiss francs ($48.5 million) — a record price for any jewel at auction, Sotheby’s said, culminating two Geneva auctions in which a convicted Hong Kong tycoon bought rare colored diamonds for his daughter. The 12.03-carat ‘Blue Moon’ diamond, set in a ring, … Continue reading