Rebuking Trump, Obama tells graduates walls won’t solve ills
Campus Life / Celebrities / Education / National / Politics

Rebuking Trump, Obama tells graduates walls won’t solve ills

PISCATAWAY, N.J. (AP) — President Barack Obama on Sunday May 15, urged college graduates to shun those who want to confront a rapidly changing world by building walls around the United States or by embracing ignorance, as he delivered a sharp and barely concealed critique of Donald Trump. Obama used his commencement speech at Rutgers … Continue reading

Obama praises Louisiana’s decision to expand Medicaid
Health / National

Obama praises Louisiana’s decision to expand Medicaid

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — President Barack Obama on Thursday, Jan 21, praised Louisiana’s new Democratic governor, John Bel Edwards, for his decision to expand the state’s Medicaid program to provide health care coverage to thousands of residents. “He’s already delivering for the people of Louisiana,” Obama said. Edwards’ predecessor, Republican Bobby Jindal, had refused to expand … Continue reading

Obama honoring Streisand, Spielberg, Yogi Berra and more
Books / Celebrities / Entertainment / Featured / Local / Movies / Music / National / Politics / Theater & Dance / TV / U.S. News

Obama honoring Streisand, Spielberg, Yogi Berra and more

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama recognized 17 Americans with the nation’s highest civilian award on Tuesday, including the first African-American woman elected to Congress, one of the greatest catchers in baseball history and a “Funny Girl.” “Today we celebrate some extraordinary people: innovators, artists and leaders who contribute to America’s strength as a nation,” … Continue reading

Obama to meet with leaders of China, India at climate summit
Africa / Asia / Australia & the Pacific / Canada & the Atlantic / Europe / International Affairs / Latin America & the Caribbean / Middle East / National / Politics / Science / U.S. News

Obama to meet with leaders of China, India at climate summit

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is hoping to generate early momentum for international climate talks in Paris next week by holding one-on-one meetings there with the leaders of China and India. While in Paris, the president also will meet with the leaders of island nations at risk from the effects of global warming, the … Continue reading

US reaches $95.5M settlement in for-profit education case
National / Politics / U.S. News

US reaches $95.5M settlement in for-profit education case

PITTSBURGH (AP) — A Pittsburgh company that enrolls more than 100,000 students at for-profit trade schools and colleges across the U.S. is not admitting wrongdoing as part of a $95.5 million settlement with the Obama administration. The settlement was announced by the Justice Department on Monday. It resolves allegations that Education Management Corp. used illegal … Continue reading

Paris attacks deepen GOP opposition to Syrian refugee influx
National / Politics / U.S. News

Paris attacks deepen GOP opposition to Syrian refugee influx

WASHINGTON (AP) — The deadly Paris attacks have intensified Republican opposition to letting thousands of Syrian refugees come to the United States. Republican presidential contender Marco Rubio on Sunday said the United States cannot do so because it’s impossible to know whether people fleeing Syria have links to Islamic militants — an apparent shift from … Continue reading

Obama says Trump’s deportation plan is unrealistic
National / Politics / U.S. News

Obama says Trump’s deportation plan is unrealistic

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama says Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s proposal to deport millions of undocumented immigrants is unrealistic and would cost the nation hundreds of billions of dollars. In an interview Thursday with ABC News, Obama suggests imagining the images on screens flashed around the world as parents are dragged away from … Continue reading

‘Hamilton’ cast album makes history singing about history
Celebrities / Entertainment / Music / Theater & Dance / TV

‘Hamilton’ cast album makes history singing about history

  NEW YORK (AP) — The cast album from the Broadway smash “Hamilton” has done something few such recordings have done in quite some time. How long? Since Richard Burton was King Arthur onstage — the first time. Atlantic Records said last week that “Hamilton” has so far sold over 54,000 albums, had more than … Continue reading

Appeals court delivers setback to Obama’s immigration plan
National / Politics / U.S. News

Appeals court delivers setback to Obama’s immigration plan

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A federal appeals court has ruled against President Barack Obama’s plan to protect an estimated 5 million people living in the United States illegally from deportation. In a 2-1 decision Monday, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a Texas-based federal judge’s injunction blocking the administration’s immigration initiative. Republicans had … Continue reading

Obama signs 2-year budget, debt deal before default deadline
Business / Celebrities / Health / Politics / U.S. News

Obama signs 2-year budget, debt deal before default deadline

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama on Monday signed into law a bipartisan budget bill that avoids a catastrophic U.S. default and puts off the next round of fighting over federal spending and debt until after next year’s presidential and congressional elections. Obama praised the rare bipartisan cooperation behind the deal, saying that 2-year agreement … Continue reading