
Batman v Superman expected to make big box office

This image released by Warner Bros. Entertainment shows Ben Affleck as Batman, left, and Henry Cavill as Superman in a scene from, "Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice." (Clay Enos/Warner Bros. Entertainment via AP)

This image released by Warner Bros. Entertainment shows Ben Affleck as Batman, left, and Henry Cavill as Superman in a scene from, “Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice.” (Clay Enos/Warner Bros. Entertainment via AP)

by Julian Washington

Superhero movies are on the rise in the theaters. They can range from a comedy like Deadpool to an action packed movie like Captain America: Civil War. Batman v Superman has been on every person’s watch list because it is two of the best superheroes going head to head. “It is going to be epic, but underrated due to the Captain America movie coming out in May,” said Soriba Kamara, a 20-year-old IT major.

Rocketed to Earth from the dying planet Krypton, the baby Superman was found by a farming couple who named the boy Clark Kent and raised him as their own. Discovering his enormous powers, they instilled in him strong moral values and inspired him to become a hero. Superman has every power man can only dream of having: strength, speed, flight, invulnerability, as well as his renowned X-ray and heat vision.

Bruce Wayne was just a kid when he saw both of his parents get gunned down by a mugger in the dangerous city of Gotham. The aftermath of watching something like that changed the way that he thought of Gotham. Instead of leaving the hostile city, he decided to clean up Gotham by becoming the Batman. Batman doesn’t need superpowers like the other superheroes; he uses his quick thinking and brute strength to beat his opponents.

“The only way Batman can beat Superman is with his one weakness, Kryptonite,” said Troy Griffin, a 22-year-old Biology major.

“I’m so excited to see it that I am on my toes!” said Reggie Edwards.

There are a number of cameos in the movies including Lex Luthor, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman. While Superman and Batman are fighting, Lex Luthor is going after Superman as well. It seems like they’re setting it up to be a Justice League Movie.

Batman v Superman comes out on Mar 25.